So, how do you know which Linux distro for a new Linux user? I mean, there are so many of them! How do you go about knowing which is the best, or even the most popular distro that's currently out there?
There are a lot of Linux distributions out there. Let's take a look at some of the most popular ones in order to see what kinds of choices we have for Linux users out there.
I'm sure you've heard the term "Debian" before. This is a distribution that is famous for being one of the most popular for many, many years. This is because it offers a variety of desktop and server-based operating systems. While not as popular as others on this list, it still is very well-known.
When it comes to Debian, there are a few different options that you can choose from. For example, if you're looking for a free, up-and-coming distribution that will get the job done for a new Linux user, then you might want to go with its derivatives like Ubuntu and Mint. However, if you're looking for a more stable, secure, and fast distro that is not highly customizable or bloated, then you should probably stick with Debian itself.
Next is Fedora. This distribution is based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. It also uses a wide range of other distributions from around the world. Fedora does not have a trademarked name, but it does have an acronym: the Fedora Project.
One thing to note when choosing a Fedora is that it is a distribution that is geared towards the use of commercial software, and this means that there is no such thing as a free Fedora! In fact, the only thing that is free about this distribution is the software itself; the desktop and the system are both 100% free.
Then there's Ubuntu. This distribution has been around for quite some time. It was first created by a group of computer science students who were tired of Linux not providing them with all the features they wanted. Since then, it has grown and evolved into something much bigger than anyone would have guessed.
One thing to consider when choosing Ubuntu is that while it's a distribution with a large community, it is not very user-friendly. There is a downside, though: it is one of the more popular distros on the market today